Sunday, January 24, 2010

Eli {6 months} w/ Big Bro and Sis!

Check out how this little guy has grown and how much he is a total combo of his big brother Owen and big sister Kaelee! I have had so much fun watching this little guy grow and photographing him along the way. Check out his newborn photos HERE and his 2 month photos HERE. He looks like such a little man and it is hard to get past just how deliciously cute he is.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Dax Drake!

Meet Dax! This little six pounder was born 5 days ago and he is absolutely adorable! Mom, Britnie, allowed me to invade her house in Little Rock for a photoshoot. Often times newborn shoots can take several hours. You know feedings, soothing, diaper changes, more feedings, and even more soothing. Not this charmer. He was perfect. By far the easiest newborn session to date. He slept the entire time and allowed me to mold him however I pleased. Could it have had something to do with the fact that he was up the entire night before??? Okay I admit little Mr. Perfect did had one little accident in his Bear Bryant hat... sorry dad maybe he is a Razorback fan.
Enjoy your sneak peek Drake family! Absolutely loved meeting Dax.